Connection and Love in Times of Tragedy

In the hours that have followed, we have heard and seen many examples of bravery, compassion, and love that unfolded yesterday and that continue to unfold. Moments born out of connection and love.


As I process my feelings, beginning with deep anger yesterday that has given way to tears and sadness today, I am seeking to stay rooted in our connectedness to each other and in our shared love for our KC community. When we process our responses to this tragedy with tenderness and compassion, we are in a better place to be able to do that for others. I encourage you to give yourself extra care today and in the coming days.     

While many of us are still in literal shock, please allow yourself the grace and support to process as the days come. This was a loss that we all have to grieve, and grief is a process. Know that if you don't need our support today, we will be here tomorrow and every day thereafter. This is what connection looks like, this is what empathy looks like, this is what faith, hope, and love look like. 

With faith, hope, and love,


For Resources to help you or those you love who have witnessed or experienced gun violence please take a look at this list of helpful resources - HERE

Dear Friends of Prairie Sky,

Yesterday morning began bright and hopeful as the festivities of the Chiefs Parade unfolded against the backdrop of Ash Wednesday and Valentine's Day - a convergence of themes centered around our shared humanity and the beauty of love and connection. However, the day took a tragic turn as news of the shooting at the parade's end spread. Some of us learned about it because we were there and experienced the fear, terror, and feelings of helplessness firsthand. Others were frantically trying to find friends and family members, while still others watched their televisions in horror. We felt shock and grief and anger, even numbness.

So many experiences. So many feelings. All of them valid.


Staying Grounded Amid Election Frenzy and Holiday Chaos: Boundary Setting 101


Celebrating and Honoring the Departed